Grand Junction Colorado has been following through with the camping ban. Removing homeless people camps from public and private areas. The police department is allowed to remove people from public places if there is space in any homeless shelters. They have even started closing down parks due to the amount of homeless people. So far they have only closed down Whitman Park as it is known as the center of homelessness in our city. We understand that most homeless people do not cause harm in Grand Junction but some do. On average 15% of prisoners are homeless people. so there is a big group of homeless people doing the wrong thing. We asked Mr.Moore for his opinion on the camping ban.” I think mostly we can’t just ban people and get them out of the situation we have to allow them to live. I know a lot of migrants who are going into Denver are homeless and are being set up in hotels but from the safety perspective, those are parks that are meant for children so the kids should not have to see that type of stuff. But I don’t think we should ban anyone from a place if they don’t have anywhere to go. If there’s a way where we as a city can find a place for the homeless and keep them out of areas like parks and downtown then this ban can be a reasonable way to fix our problem with the homeless. They are not taking these homeless people to camps with any form of aggression;