Senior Spotlight: Golf

Joey Smith

Golf seniors coming together for a group photo

This week we were delighted to interview some of the seniors on the Golf team. Joe Morgan, Hunter Wagner, Blake Hooker, and Alex Morrall are 4 out of 6 seniors on the team. When asked how they feel their season went overall Joe responded with, “It was not the greatest. I wish we could have popped out and showed up a little better at regionals.” Blake added, “We definitely had some struggles. I feel like we played well, but we just didn’t deliver well.” They were asked what some of their favorite memories were from the season, Joe answered, “We had a younger kid that came with us to Moab. Norell swore that we were gonna ruin this kid. Before the end of the trip he was definitely acting like us. He is definitely one of us now for sure.” Alex added, “My highlight was in Moab as well when there was a lighting storm. There is this joke in golf that if you are ever in a lightning storm just hold up an iron. We were walking and lightning struck right behind us and so I put up my forehand. From like four holes over Norell was screaming at me to put my club down. That was funny.” When asked what they are going to miss the most Joe said, “Our prayers right before we eat. That is where we all came together.” Blake added, “Not everybody was religious, but we still came together and gave thanks for what we had.” Joe said, “One year Stew (another senior on the golf team) fell asleep and we were stuffing sour patch kids in his mouth. Another time Stew also got us all to download Pokémon GO. I think we traveled all of Eagle trying to find Pokémons. It was a blast for sure. It’s the brotherhood that I am going to miss.” They were asked what some of their challenges were throughout the season. Blake replied with, “The biggest challenge I had was mentally. I knew I had the physical part of the game, I knew I could play and I knew I could compete, but it was keeping me in the mental aspect to compete.” Hunter added, “Golf is just mentally challenging. I feel like it has definitely taught us all and made us better all throughout the years.” Upon that Joe said, “The hardest challenge for me was the last ball I played for Palisade High School. It was tough for me because I spent the last four years dedicated to golf.” These guys have spent the last four years playing golf together, other than Hunter who joined his Sophomore year. They will definitely have great memories to look back on.