Enchanted April Has An Amazing Outcome


Joey Smith

Emily Shamblin, Journie Welch, and Aspen Czarnecki during the play.

On October 20-22, the Palisade High School Drama put on their Enchanted April play. The play had an amazing outcome as every cast member has been working hard since August 23rd.

Ever since the summer of 2022, the Palisade High School drama department has been working and memorizing lines and actions for their play, Enchanted april. The first play took place on October 20th. Every person who got to witness the play knows that it was a cinematic masterpiece. The lead role was played by sophomore, Emily Shamblin. This is Emily’s second year being a part of the Palisade High School drama and she is quickly excelling in her acting skills. Emily says, “ I think the play went really well. We were all definitely nervous that coming up to the show we wouldn’t be ready but it all came together perfectly.” Emily’s character that she played was Lottie Wilkins. Emily claims that playing the lead role was “definitely a first for me. I’ve never played the lead role so it was definitely a new experience.” Emily did a wonderful job building into character and playing the part very naturally. She says, “As for getting into character, the character was a lot like me so it was really fun.” On top of getting into character, the cast member also had to memorize an insane amount of lines. Emily says that “Coming up to the play, there was one period of time where I was scared I wasn’t going to have all of the lines memorized. We all used different strategies to memorize our lines. For me, I would read the script at night before I go to bed. This helps the words stick in my brain.” 

Support the Palisade drama department as they put hard work for thrilling entertainment!