Kicking Off The School Year With The Senior Sunrise

Maya Harrington

Desare Erin, Olivia Langner, Ella Steele, Brett Rozman, Justin Sanchez, Josh Zotto, Mikaela Buxton, Sophia Dewitt, Paige Hope, Duncan Edwards are all on the Palisade high school football field.

On August 19th at 6:00 am, the Senior Sunrise took place on the Palisade High School football field. The event had an amazing turnout of more than 80 seniors! This includes Ella Steele and Stuco student, Sophia Dewitt. 

For this event seniors set up chairs and blankets, along with some games such as cornhole and spikeball! The student council members then set up a table which consisted of doughnuts and orange juice, and of course it all wouldn’t be complete without music, many group photos, and most importantly coming with an enthusiastic attitude! Nonetheless that is just the type of attitude these seniors brought to the table.

The seniors all gathered around each other to watch the sunrise and to just enjoy a good time together to start the year off fresh and open minded. The Senior Sunrise is a yearly event that begins on the first week of school to start off an amazing new year! Not only does the sunrise represent the start of a new year, but the start of a bright new day. What a way to spend that new year with your friends and loved ones! The event was a good way for the class of 2023 to start their day off good before starting school. 

Building on to the idea that the sunrise represents the start of a new day; when it’s the last week of school there will also be a senior sunrise to resemble the end of a day, as well as  the end of a high school experience.