A former nurse from St Marys was arrested. Christopher Lambros pleaded guilty friday December 8th to the six accounts of sexual assault which is a class five felony. Since 2016 Christopher has assaulted patients while they are unconscious. He was arrested in October of 2022, in July of that year law enforcement had received a report which was Christopher taking inappropriate pictures of the patient while appearing unconscious. The investigation suggests there were thirteen victims but only five could be identified. An employee walked in on Christopher while he was assaulting a patient in 2022.
This is a horrible situation especially since St, Marys is the largest and was a trusted hospital in Grand Junction. The trust has since been depleted from people and the hospital. Many employees have stated in the trial they have felt “guilt stricken” since the crimes have been brought up. For the victims it is very devastating especially since this is an experience that they will live with for the rest of their lives. Christopher Lambros will be serving ten years in prison. Many of the victims are in the process of suing the hospitals. Scott Burnill is Lambros’ public defender and is speaking on behalf of Lambros. Burnill told the public that Lambros was abused as a child which could have been a reason for his action.
We have been able to interview a couple anonymous students who have been keeping up with this situation. “You want my honest opinion? It is disgusting. I have lost all trust in St, Marys” said L.M. “All the trust is gone from St Marys. I wished the employees that witnessed and didn’t speak should also have a consequence” said H.M. This is a very sad situation. We have our hearts with the victims and we hope they get their justice.