As the stickiness of summer slowly morphs into the crunch of comforting fall, it is important to reflect on the empowering effects of this summer. Three iconic female figures, Beyoncé, Barbie and Taylor Swift have contributed to America’s economy immensely and triumphed in their groundbreaking success.
Beyoncé’s and Taylor Swift’s dual stadium tours brought in an absurd amount of money for local communities and the nation as a whole. Queen Bey’s Renaissance Tour has been projected to obtain $2 billion by this October. Beyoncé brings to life futuristic and holographic joy, celebrating Black and queer identities. Fierce isn’t even serving Beyoncé justice! With 9 costume changes per show and killer choreography, this queen has given the audience the exhilaration they’ve been waiting for.
Swift’s The Eras Tour has also been projected to make $2 billion, but this is only considering her U.S. dates! Like the superstar she is, Swift has announced her journey to Europe, Latin America, Canada and Asia. Sophomore Elizabeth Fleming was honored to experience The Eras Tour with twinkles in her eyes and a 13 written on the back of her hand. “Given societal expectations and the monotonous energy that everyone is caught up in, especially young girls and women, I feel that The Eras Tour, Renaissance tour and Barbie bring a different perspective. In these environments, everything works together and brings back a girlhood feeling. You’re allowed to feel things, that’s what all of those medias are supporting. I feel like how large scale these events are, the reactions really bring positive light that the world desperately needs,” expresses Fleming.
There’s no denying that Barbie hasn’t amounted to the high-grossing successes of each tour. This blockbuster hit has surpassed $1 billion! Creator Greta Gerwig is the only woman that has directed a billion dollar production. The perceptions of Hollywood have twisted into a retaliation towards injustice. Movie-goers want to be represented in these hits, and Barbie does just that. A pattern has been observed that the audience has returned to their local theater with their mother, friends and daughters. Fleming reflects, “Simple things like Barbie achieve so much light and value.” Undoubtedly, Barbie shares wisdom and experiences that the public can connect to. Many share the opinion that it’s refreshing to see a turn of events in Hollywood of a culture dominated by male regime.
The chiller seasons of autumn and winter are sneaking upon us. The warmth of summer will forever be a reminder of the flourishing revival of pop culture. Fleming concludes, “I do feel impacted by these events. Everyone who went to the concert and sat in the same theater are just regular people that are all passionate about the message behind these things. I’ve realized that in these environments it’s ok to have more confidence.” Hopefully there are more sensations to sustain the ecstasy of femininity.