A Sad Goodbye



Sailor Dennison-Kersey and Mallory Brownell Doing Titanic Pose

I started the year as a scared little freshman who was promised to be accompanied by two friends that bailed out on the class last minute. Going into the class I knew that I loved writing, but wasn’t sure how this class would work out without friends to break me out of my shell. I’m a very outgoing person, but for some reason this class made me feel the opposite at first. That quickly stopped as I grew to love this class and everyone in it. This class taught me to step out of my comfort zone and get closer to people I wouldn’t know without the connection of newspaper. It’s by far been my favorite class and Franklin is one of the few teachers that I genuinely have a connection with. Overall the class is so unique and special and even feels like a family sometimes. If anyone would ask, I would recommend them to join Franklin’s Newspaper class, not only to get the English credit but to meet some really awesome people. I’m sadly not going to be able to come back next year, but I will forever miss the donuts and Sunny D at the potlucks, the bluegrass music blasting in the background, and all of the conversations I’ve had in that room. Good luck without Sailor next year! (I’m just kidding, the newspaper will be great as always).