Senior Night: The Final Season

Jodi Young

Senior Lily Rath and her family

     One of the most important parts of our Palisade sports department is creating a memorable senior night for those bittersweet memories of their final season, where we celebrate our seniors and honor them throughout the game. This past Monday, April 24, was senior night for the Palisade Girls Soccer team at the Colorado Mesa University Unity Field. The team had a hard battle against the Montrose High School Redhawks, taking a tough loss of 4-0. Halfway through the game the rain started coming down hard, and lightning was flashing. The team as well as the spectators had to exit the field and go inside until further notice due to the weather. The wait was around 30 minutes, but once the weather had cleared up the team was able to finish the last 30 minutes of the game. “Montrose was a really good team. I think one of our main flaws in this game was not being able to defend against one of their tactics. Their offensive side was really good at using this tactic, and our center backs couldn’t keep up.” says Kate Fricke, a freshman varsity player for the Palisade team. Fricke has been playing soccer for Fire FC, a club team here in the Grand Valley, and made full varsity her freshman year. “It was honestly really fun to play in the rain, because it was something different. This game was also hard however because it was one of our first tough losses. We need to add more pressure so other teams can’t get through our center backs.” Fricke states. Good job putting up a tough fight Bulldogs, you’ll get them next time. Remember to pack the stands for these final games for our incredible girls’ soccer team. Go Bulldogs!