Fish Hatchery Released

Mrs. Lori Twardowskiraper

Picture of students waiting for the fish to be released

The fish hatchery at Palisade High School in Colorado is an innovative educational program that offers students a unique opportunity to learn about aquaculture and the role it plays in sustainable food production. The program includes raising trout from eggs to fingerlings, monitoring water quality, and maintaining a healthy living environment for the fish. Students also learn about the importance of conservation and how to protect natural resources. John Hoppe is a senior here at Palisade who has won a senior appreciation award for always being involved with the fish, but he will be leaving the fish hatchery that he has been contributing to for three years. Although he feels confident about next year’s hatchery because his sister will be contributing.
John Hoppe stated, “We have three tanks that hold about 70-90 fish in each tank and we have about 1,000 gallons of water running through it to recirculate the system. We get the fish in about August or September and then typically release them the first week of May.”
Apart from providing hands-on experience, the fish hatchery program at Palisade High School is a program to help release endangered fish back into the water. The release took place right at the start of the 7th period on a different bell schedule. The release was such a good way to see the work that the fish hatchery has been working so hard to achieve. The program has been successful in engaging students who may not have otherwise shown interest in science or environmental studies.
In an interview with senior John Hoppe, he stated, “We may not be doing a lot compared to other hatcheries but it’s also teaching other students and myself included that you don’t have to do a whole lot to help out, you can do whatever you can and anything helps.” Here at Palisade, it’s also a tradition to kiss the fish so John completed that tradition and kissed it. Overall, the fish hatchery serves as an excellent example of how schools can incorporate practical learning experiences into their curriculum while promoting sustainability education.