Girls Soccer Is Starting On the Right Track

Photo provided by Palisade Athletics

Palisade High School Girls Varsity Soccer Team

Palisade High School’s varsity girls soccer team starts their season strong with an overall record of 3-1 so far.

With winning 3 games and losing only one, the 2023 soccer season for our girls soccer team is off to a great start. After countless hours of practice and hard work, the girls are witnessing the amazing outcome of their dedication. We had the pleasure of talking with Brenae Snover, a sophomore and the goalkeeper for Palisade’s varsity soccer team. Brenae was asked about how she thinks this season is going so far. She said, “So far it’s going pretty well. We’re all working together as a team to accomplish the goals that we want to accomplish. It’s been really fun, our last game didn’t turn out as we hoped but we played really well and we held Central to only one goal which was great. So it was really fun to keep working as a team to keep getting better.” On March 27th, the team lost their first game against Central High School. All losses are tough, but for our Bulldogs, they don’t allow their mistakes to get in the way of their strengths. Brenae tells us that, “It hurt for a lot of us but we knew we grew during that game and we all accomplished a lot in that game.” These girls have been learning a lot through positives and negatives as soccer players, and the staff and student body of Palisade High School couldn’t be more proud. Finally, Brenae was asked what important qualities are needed to succeed as a team. She replied with, “In order to succeed as a team I feel like we all need to trust each other and rely on our teammates because it is a team sport and there are a lot of us out there.” 

Wish our varsity girls soccer team luck as they have an amazing year ahead of them!