Spring Break Overview

Angela Lukesh

Picture of the skyline from inside a plane.

Many students were looking forward to the beginning of spring break to get a break from school. Spring break is a time for students to take a break from their studies and enjoy some free time. Typically occurring in March, spring break provides an opportunity for students to travel, spend time with friends and family, or simply relax at home.
Many students choose to go on beach vacations during this time, where they can soak up the sun and enjoy water sports such as surfing or parasailing. Or many just stay inside and get some extra sleep while hanging out with friends. Spring break was also an excellent opportunity for students to catch up on sleep and participate in activities that they don’t normally have time for during the school year.
Spring break is the last break before the end of the school year, making it a highly anticipated and cherished time for students. It represents the final push towards completing the academic year successfully. The break provides an opportunity for students to unwind and relax after months of hard work and stress. It also enables them to recharge their batteries so that they can return to school energized and ready to tackle the remaining challenges. So when in an interview with Dream Hazelwood-Hasan they stated, “My spring break was pretty mid. All I did was sleep, sort of hang out with my friends and watch some TV. I would appreciate it if the break was longer, or if we could even get a teacher work day so we can get the day off for a three-day weekend.” When asked how they feel about spring break being the last break until summer, Dream stated, “I’m kind of nervous and excited at the same time because I wish that the break was longer or we had another break because, by the end of the year, I have to decide if I want to stay at Palisade or go back to my home in Aurora Colorado.”