Being a senior in high school is bittersweet; you can’t wait to leave but at the same time change can be difficult. It’s even more bittersweet for student athletes, who may be participating in a sport for the very last time during their high school career.
Wrestling is a sport full of dedication, grit, and sweat. The season began in November and is finally slowly coming to an end. Within girls wrestling, there is only one 2025 senior. Tya Pinnt, who has been involved in the program for two years, is excited but sad the season is almost over. “I love being out there because it’s not a team sport,” Pinnt says, “you have to pull your own weight.” This is only Pinnt’s second year wrestling, but she wouldn’t trade the memories she made for anything. “The bus rides are very memorable,” she reminisces, “we all would just lay on top of each other and the people who are cutting weight are under, like, ten blankets.” Pinnt’s record for this year is 4 -0 and her weight class is 130. “My favorite match this year was just last weekend, I wrestled a deaf girl and I won.”
The four D51 schools combine together to form a district-wide wrestling team: the D51 Phoenixes. Little over a week ago, they held their annual senior night to celebrate all seniors from all four schools, and Pinnt was Palisade’s only senior girl. “It was nice because all the guys from the team showed up to support.” Pinnt hopes to continue her wrestling career throughout high school along with her other sports, softball and track. Advice Pinnt would give to any upcoming freshman looking to pursue wrestling, she states: “Always remember why you started and no matter how hard it gets, just persevere through it.” Congratulations Tya Pinnt on your high school wrestling career!