Sadly the Grand Junction Chick-fil-A franchise owner Joseph Walsh passed away on New Year’s eve at fifty-three after a 5 year struggle with mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer that forms in many organs and affects the lungs. Joseph was the owner of both Chick-fil-A Rimrock In front of Sprouts Farmers market and the Chick-fil-A located inside the cafeteria at Colorado Mesa University.
Joseph was a very lively person and was a very kind man. Anyone who knew him would tell you he was a man that could be looked up to. Most employees in Chick-fil-A as well as regulars would always tell you about how well-liked he was and his positive outlook on life. If ever you had the chance to meet him you could always tell how cheerful he was. Chick-fil-A decided to close down for a day to honor his passing and to figure out a plan.
We asked Palisade student Lauren Cox a sophomore who said “Everyone around that knew him is really sad“ and also talked about how Chik fil donated a lot to the Saint Mary’s hospital and other businesses Lauren’s connection to joe was through her dad who knew him well and was a regular at Chick Fil A.
As for the future of the Chick-fil-A branch in Grand Junction there have not yet been announced plans for new managers or any news on the new owners of chick fil a. there was however a hiring event at chick fil on January 6th were you could walk in for a quick interview that only took 30 minutes.
We all hope the best for the Walsh family from the Palisade Paw Post and we give our condolences.