Student Council’s Blood Drive was this past Monday, November 13th. Both Palisade students and teachers participated in the drive and made a real difference in the community.
Anyone from the ages 16 and up could donate. The drive was from 9 am to 12 pm. There was an incredible amount of student participation to the point where they couldn’t take all that signed up. The drive was coordinated by the student council working with Vitalant Blood Donation. Vitalant’s mission is to save lives within our community and nationwide. Every day, 29,000 units of red blood cells are needed nationwide in hospitals, surgical centers, and trauma centers. Donating blood is one way almost every member of the community can save lives. Student Council puts together the Blood Drive every year, and this year it was led by Cassandra Herrera. Stuco had snacks and juice for the donators in the lobby, they organized permission slips and made it run smoothly. I spoke to Morgan Montgomery, she is a stuco member and donated blood. “Donating blood went really well, it was very organized and everyone was very helpful,” says Montgomery, “I personally didn’t feel great after but I eventually got better. I think donating blood is very important because you can potentially save someone else’s life.” The Blood Drive is an amazing example of the Palisade High School community coming together to help the community. Thank you so much to everyone that donated you save lives. “If you can donate you definitely should, sacrificing 30 minutes of your life and a little bit of blood can help save someone’s life.” says Montgomery.