The rush, the recovery, and the ride. Nothing compares to a Colorado bike race across the National Monument on a hot September day that wouldn’t have been successful without the help of Palisade NHS students.
NHS (National Honors Society) is an organization notable in high schools everywhere that strives to help people through community service. These students have to collect 30 service hours throughout each semester and 10 group hours, all while maintaining a 3.5 GPA throughout the school year. With many things they help with throughout the year, Grand Junction’s popular Tour of the Moon bike race is their most notable money making event. Bikers from across the valley chose between two race tracks: 64 miles or 41 miles. Tour of the Moon provides riders with a nice ride around Downtown Grand Junction and then up into the Monument if they choose to do the 64 mile race. NHS members from Palisade helped with the event by directing the bikers where to go with signs, flags and cowbells to cheer on all the participants. Sophomore Leah Talbott was one of these NHS volunteers. “Genuinely I thought it was a lot of fun and all the bikers were very grateful we were there to help direct them. It made me feel very good.” Leah was directing a right turn between South Camp and South Broadway. She worked both the morning shift (9-1) and the afternoon (1-4). Leah says her favorite part about NHS is that “there’s a little community where we’re all helping everyone out.” If you are a student who is looking to earn a Service Learning Cord for graduation, keep an eye out for volunteer opportunities that NHS students also participate in. Great job this weekend to all of the racers!