Summer is Finally on its Way!

As the hot weather finally comes, the last few weeks of school do too. As expected most people are ecstatic and ready for the new season and the time away from school. 

Some are excited to keep improving at their sport. Jojo Kirschenmann said, “I’m always looking forward to summer. Usually, during the summer I play a lot of tennis. My favorite part of summer has to be playing tennis. It’s always my favorite thing to do. I get to go to this tennis camp in Florida for about 2 weeks.” Nate Perry said, “My favorite part of summer is playing tennis with Jojo, going to basketball camps, and hanging out with friends.” Brady Fenton said, “I’m going to probably just be playing a lot of basketball and going to camps.”

For many people, this is also a time to travel. Jojo Kirschenmann said, “I’m going to Honduras for a bit this summer which I’m really excited about.” Lauren Cox said, “ I’m going to Europe for a few weeks in the summer and then go on some more little trips like San Francisco. I can’t wait to go to these places, but also hang out with all my family and friends.” Bryan Loya said, “I  heard Brent Fayaiz is going to Denver on tour, so I want to try to see him. I’m also going to Mexico which I’m excited for. I’m also going to go on hikes with all my friends this summer to get outside, but also make it fun with people I like.”

It seems like it’s unanimous- everyone’s ready for summer to come!