Teacher of the Month: Nicole Pinnt

Kodie Smith

Nicole Pinnt working in the office

For the month of April, our amazing teacher of the month is Nicole! Nicole is the principal’s secretary here at Palisade High School. We had the pleasure of talking with Nicole about her life as a principal’s secretary. Nicole tells us that she has been working here at Palisade High school for “about a year and a half now.” Every staff member has many favorite things about working at Palisade High School. Nicole’s favorite thing is “the kids”. When Nicole is not working in the office at Palisade High School, she says, “ I work with my kids with their 4H projects and all of their sports.” This makes Nicole a very busy woman. She says that she doesn’t slow down. She also tells us that she enjoys “ hunting and hiking.” As Nicole works in the office, she was asked if she likes to work in the office or if she would rather be a teacher and have her own classroom. She says, “I have volunteered with the kids before and I love being in the classroom. But definitely in the office is more my cup of tea. I’ve always grown up in the business world so the office is more fitting.” Every job has its highs and lows and Nicole was asked what one of the lows are about her job. She replies, “ Field Trips. Making sure the paperwork is in and correct and making sure that you guys have a bus to get to where you need to go.” Whether she is behind the office counter or out enjoying the outdoors and helping her kids, Nicole always brightens up every person she comes in contact with. Congratulations to Nicole for being teacher of the month!