Brielle Sorensen
Genevive Seymour (left) handing Heidi Escobedo (right) a flower for Valentine’s Day.
Hearts, candy, and flowers! There’s nothing more heartwarming than the holiday all about love. Throughout the week, student council (StuCo) had been hosting various spirit days leading up to Valentine’s Day, calling this week the annual “KIC” week (or Kindness is Contagious).
Monday was Mental Health Awareness Day where students were invited to wear blue. At lunch, students could then share to student council members how they take care of their mental health in exchange for a free piece of candy. Tuesday was gratitude day where students would wear yellow and get a free donut before school. Next was Wednesday, which was Crazy for Kindness where students could wear crazy socks or crazy hair to get into the silly spirit. Followed by that was Thursday, where students were asked to wear any KIC merch they had. Lastly, on the biggest romantic day of the year, students were asked to wear red, pink, or white to celebrate the holiday. During Valentine’s day, any student wearing these colors got a free bag of popcorn provided by Stuco. “To come up with the spirit days, everyone in the committee came up with ideas that just gave KIC week,” says Piper Wesolowski, a sophomore in StuCo. This is Wesolowski’s first year in StuCo and she already was handed the role of KIC Week Committee leader. “I put KIC at the top of my list when we did our rankings and I was asked to be committee leader.”
But the love didn’t end there. Over the week, students could buy a flower for someone they love and then a Stuco member would deliver it to them on Valentine’s day. This was very popular, and handfuls of flowers were given to students throughout the day. With the amount of flowers handed out, it’s obvious that Palisade has a lot of love going around. “KIC week is important because it’s everyone coming together within the community we have here at Palisade,” says Wesolowski, “and I think it’s a really important thing to spread kindness.” Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone and continue spreading love!