Jacqueline Murillo
Choir Director Matt Doty directing all five choirs.
There’s nothing better than enjoying a great dessert and warm hot chocolate, before hearing a magical concert in the holiday season. All 5 of Palisade High School choirs came together to make one amazing group of voices at Sounds of the Season every year. This year the concert occurred on December 13th and the 14th, two nights to come and be amazed. Forty Five minutes before the show, Bulldog families were invited to show up and enjoy an amazing dessert table and warm drinks to go with it. Hearing the astounding holiday songs puts people in a great jolly mood as they look forward to Christmas. For many choir members it was an emotional concert for them because it was their last performance. Senior Blake Larson says,“This is my fourth year of doing choir and it’s honestly my favorite class. Many things went well during the show but I think the most important thing was coming together to decorate beforehand and collaborating to have fun. We have definitely grown as a choir since the beginning of the year to now and it’s been a lot of fun. I feel we did really well and we had fun and that’s what really counts. It being my last one, I feel it was very well spent and I wouldn’t have done anything differently. I’m sad it’s soon coming to and end but looking forward to all the next concerts coming up.” Thank you Bulldogs, for giving us a great show that was very much enjoyed!