The Super Bowl Champions, Kansas City Chiefs lost their first game in the 2024 season to the Buffalo Bills, game score was 30-21. It was a tough loss for the Chiefs because it ended their 15-game winning streak. This defeat sent the team down to 9-1 that caused complications for the playoffs. As for the Buffalos it has improved their chances for AFC’s (American Football Conference) top seed. At the beginning of the game, Quarterback Patrick Mahomes threw an interception. Chief’s Coach Andy Reid blames them not feeling the game and feeling off that day. Chief’s fan Freshman Joshua Albornoz-Lopez states, “When the Chiefs lost I was mad, frustrated, and surprised because I feel that game they could have won easily. I feel they didn’t play their full potential and they could have won that game in my opinion. They could have definitely played better but next time the team is going to show their full potential and that they don’t play as they did.” Senior Dane Morrison says, “I have been a Chiefs fan for seven to eight year because my dad is a big Chiefs fan. The Chiefs this year have honestly done pretty poorly compared to the other season and I was really surprised that we were undefeated, I hope we can continue winning though. That game I feel they didn’t really good their defense was not it that day, offense was pretty good. I was pretty disappointed that they lost to the Bills but the Bills are almost as good as the Chiefs.”