Jack Sechrist
William Neese talking to other StuCo members
With more opportunities coming to Palisade, the ones that have been around are still prospering and growing. Student Council ( StuCo )is among the classes that have been around Palisade for years. StuCo plans dances, assemblies, tailgates, school decorating, and spirit weeks. They do all the planning for extra curricular activities and themes as well. Current President of StuCo, Senior William Neese stated: “ At the StuCo interest meeting, you will get to learn more about what StuCo is, the fun stuff we do, the stuff around the school and how you can apply to be a part of that community.” StuCo is the most important part of making sure that extracurricular activities are very fun and engaging for the students. StuCo is not like a normal class, you have to send in an application to be accepted into it. William Neese stated: “ This is absolutely open to everyone at school. We want every student to come to this meeting and see if StuCo is right for them.” William Neese also claimed: “ There is often a stereotype that there are only certain people that should do StuCo and people think they won’t fit in. But we represent the school, so I truly want anyone and everyone to come and check it out.” StuCo is planning a sports appreciation assembly on the same day that the interest meeting will be. The StuCo interest meeting on December 6th during the second half of lunch. Make sure to go check out StuCo and see if it will be a good fit for you!