Pickleball winners. Picture provided by Brennae Snover.
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) hosted their first pickleball tournament on Sunday October 6th from about 2pm to 5pm by the peach bowl. with there only being 1 rule, the rule being that you have to have matching colors with your teammate all throughout the game and come up with a team name or else you may have gotten deducted points in the tournament. People have been claiming it was more about the donations for club funding and other things, than anything but still a fun event we believe a lot more people should attend in future years for lots of fun, even having up to 16 out of 20 teams arriving for the FCA! Even some students are using the opportunity to use it for their C.A.S Senior project and to start a club However in order for students to of used it for their C.A.S project they had to write an essay and to demonstrate the 7 outcomes of learning, But it was definitely an exciting game with an exciting end even putting everyone in shock because an older couple that Mr Reetz knew beat everybody at the event! Even taking home a Chick-Fil-A giftcard for winning, Being a really good turnout of a game and a great fundraiser, Even some students claiming how it will definitely become an annual thing for them and other siblings with how much fun they had at the fundraiser/tournament.