Gaby Suazo
Social Studies teachers Ms. Schmalz and Mr. Korte
What’s happening right now with the election? Is more or less what people have been wondering. Well, the election is upon us and there’s more information on what’s happening in this ongoing presidential election that will determine who the 47th President will be for the upcoming four years. Adam Korte a social studies teacher at Palisade High School states, “Well, we’ve got an election in early November, and we have two main party candidates and then others running as well, so the Republican candidate is Donald Trump, who is the 45th president, and the Democratic candidate is Kamala Harris, who is currently vice president at the moment.” It is specified that the election will take place on November 5th, 2024 in which the United States will find out who our next president and vice president will be. For right now though, Harris and Trump have been doing some campaigns going across the country, having fundraisers to support their campaigns. The most recent campaign is Kamala Harris being in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Trump has thrown insults at Kamala and her family at the AI Smith dinner while Harris was doing that exact campaign.
The election between vice president candidates are J.D Vance for Republican and Tim Walz for Democratic. Walz and Vance had an argumentative debate on October 1st in New York City. This was surprising to voters who were expecting something more aggressive and fierce for a vice presidential debate and instead got a more positive and respectful debate.
Ballots have been distributed and voters, old and young have started to participate more. So make sure to vote and keep getting informed on the national election.