Jackson Martin practicing to perfection. Photo provided by Jackson Martin.
Jackson Martin is one of the two Athletes of the Week, brought to you by Palisade Dino Mart. Martin is a junior and plays golf. He has been golfing all years in high school plus another year before then. “I enjoy golf because it gives me time away from people and it always gives me something to improve on,” Martin says. The team practices everyday after school in a relaxed environment where Martin is able to improve on his skills. “My goal for this season is to be successful in regional’s and make it to state at Tiara Rado.” “My favorite game so far was in Keystone because the course is very fun.” His greatest accomplishment is how far he’s come since he started his Freshman year and the growth that came with it. “My biggest inspiration would probably be my parents, they push me.” Martin’s next game is Tuesday, October 1st so don’t be afraid to come support Martin and the fellow Bulldogs!