Alan Rocha
August Solar Eclipse
The Solar Eclipse is set to appear across parts of the United States and although the Grand Mesa won’t be in the line of totality we will still be able to feel the effects. The last solar eclipse was not too long ago only being in august but before that it was in 2017.We will however need to wait until 2045 for a solar eclipse to be directly over the Mesa.
Solar Eclipses occur When the moon and sun are directly aligned in a way where the moon blocks a lot of the sun creating a “ring of fire” where only the outskirts of the sun are visible.
To view this cosmic event you will need a special type of glasses designed for solar eclipses and to make sure that if you have old ones to buy new ones as the glasses expire.
The Colorado Mesa University astronomy Club will be hosting an event to view the solar eclipse and will be selling Solar Eclipses glasses as well. They will also be selling Solar eclipse themed drinks and this will take place from 11am till 2 pm.
I asked Daniel mouser about what he thought about the solar eclipse and he responded that “yea I’m going to see it” adding that “it gets kind of annoying when people keep telling you its going to happen” which is true for many people when you hear that an event is going to happen many times you can get annoyed. For many juniors this will be the 3rd time when seeing a solar eclipse the other times being in 3rd grade for juniors in 2017 and the recent one from august.
When viewing the solar eclipse be careful to not look at it directly as it can damage your eyes permanently even if you cant feel it but still try to watch it as its a cool event that doesnt happen often.