Alan Rocha
Outside Of Palisade Road to Clifton
Spring is 15 days away and we have just been hit with inches of snow and strong winds.This was unusual as we just came from a fairly dry and warm winter. The low amount of snow might be the reason why we didn’t get any snow days or delays this year which is a huge let down for many students.
The last 3 years we have had many delays due to bad weather conditions especially last year where we had almost every week a delay. Like many other students I would wake up and look at my phone on District 51 Instagram or Twitter. But this year there have been zero delays at all even if some days the temperature would go below 20 or the conditions were not great or driving.
Teen driving even when conditions are not great and when you add snow and frozen roads that just makes the problem even worse. This year although we didn’t receive as much snow as other years we still had days when the conditions for driving were not good for driving even recently when the winds were strong and it snowed a lot. And there were days when we should have had delays.
I talked to Blake Foster a Junior who drives to Palisade as he would share similar opinions to me “i like delays but depending on the day it can hinder what I do” this is the catch to delays that most days it makes work a lot more difficult as you have to learn or finish work faster than usual. Blake Also said that, “there were one or two days when there was a lot of snow on the roads and I was slipping on my tires” this backs up what I said about there being not as many as other days but still a couple days to have delays.