Elli Dorr, Emily Hardin, Leah Talbott, Kylee Mull, Samantha Alexander and Abby Price. Photo Provided By: Lili Taylor
The girls swim season is finally meeting its final strokes, each swimmer putting in their all into every meet and practice left. This past Friday and Saturday, our incredible team dominated at Conference, which was hosted at our very own Colorado Mesa University with ten teams competing for their chance at State.
On the first day of the competition, every swimmer was able to compete in at least one event and as the competition proceeded to the following day, almost the whole team qualified to compete again on Saturday. When it was all said and done, the team placed sixth overall, and six girls had qualifying times for the State competition. Elli Dorr, Emily Hardin, Leah Talbott, Kylee Mull, Samantha Alexander and Abby Price were our Palisade qualifiers, with two other swimmers from Grand Junction.
Our State team includes some impressive younger talent from some of our underclassman swimmers, Hardin and Talbott. Hardin has only been swimming competitively the past two years, and is already crushing her competition and fighting her way to the top. Hardin also qualified for Conference and State last season as a Freshman, and has been actively working to beat herself, and her records from the previous season.
“I’ve always really loved being in the water and swimming. My main goal for the season is to swim a lot of the same events as last year and cut back on my times.” Hardin says. “I was really happy and excited to have qualified for State again this year.”
Hardin swam the 100 meter backstroke and the 100 meter fly, placing second overall and qualifying her for State.
As the team was preparing to leave for Denver, the school participated in one of our favorite Athletic traditions, the send-off. After first period, the school lined the Dog-Run hallway and hooted and hollered for our girls as they walked following the raving cheer team.
Incredible work to our swimmers this season and congratulations to the State qualifiers. We know you’ll do amazing, good luck and go Bulldogs!