Corenia Rivera
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Veterans Day has arrived again this year for our amazing country. Veterans Day is the time to commemorate the brave and the few who have made many sacrifices to keep our nation the best that it is. Veterans Day shouldn’t be the only day out the year you should idolize the true heroes that keep us free. We would also like to shout out the ones who after their service became teachers and staff members in our great school: Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Smith, Mr. Hawkins and Mr. Hayward. from everyone in the school, especially from the Paw Post we thank you for your service. Even after their service is past they still give out to the community by teaching our students.
We have many teachers who have families that have been in the military and have left a huge impact on being grateful to veterans and a teacher who resembles this the most is our own Mr. Steele. Steele’s father was in the Marines in the Vietnam war. Steele has also shared that his dad was on the Marine Corps football team. Mr. Steele teaches science and in his classes on November 10 he gave time to his students to write a letter to veterans either a completely random one or one that is close to them. Mr. Steele delivered many letters to the vets hospitals.
A junior here at Palisade, Liam Warren has a dad that was in the Navy his name is Aaron Warren. “I look up to my dad as a hero” said Liam. “He has motivated me to understand and respect veterans everywhere” said Liam. We can’t say thank you enough to our veterans. We hope to encourage you to recognize and thank a veteran for service and their sacrifices.