Gaby Suazo
Student waiting in front of Mrs. Ventling’s office.
The framework and culture specific to Palisade High School partially depends on our amazing and skilled counselors. Students trust these professionals, either with their personal lives, academic help or changing schedules. Mrs. Ventling shared her expertise, highlighting recent opportunities and college matters.
College is an important part of the majority of a student’s life, success and future. Being awarded degrees or certificates like Bachelors or Masters is very honorable. Simply graduating college is a big accomplishment too, that grants you with more career opportunities. However, attending these schools is expensive and time consuming. “At this time of the year, we’re really heavy into college applications. We had Senior Workday last Wednesday. There were 115 seniors who filled out 338 applications. 305 were to schools offering free applications. With an average of $40 per application, that means that our families saved approximately $12,200,” explained Mrs. Ventling. As November and December creep in, “the counseling office will be meeting with classes to give Suicide Prevention presentations and ICAP. ICAP stands for Individual College and Academic Plan. Every student in high school needs to have an ICAP. It’s about their plan, and how they’re going to get there whether they’re military bound, college bound, or workforce bound.” Colorado schools have some of the best education systems. Mrs. Ventling says, “It depends what you’re interested in. CMU is the most affordable college since there’s many scholarships for local residents. Colorado Mountain College is in Glenwood Springs and has a great vet tech program. Some of the schools on the eastern slope are more expensive but offer a variety of programs that might not be available at CMU.” Although not every student furthers their education at an institution, colleges are important to consider. Our counselors at Palisade will do everything in their power to assist you in deciding your future, maintaining success, and more.