Gaby Suazo
Ian Shiao ready for Trick or Treat Street!
Trick or treat, smell my feet, gimme something good to eat! Among many autumn traditions, Halloween is a holiday that most people look forward to. Trick or treating with your friends, no matter your age, is something enjoyable and fun!
Palisade High School is hosting a Trick or Treat Street on October 26th, from 5-7p. This is where children and their families can walk through each classroom, play games and receive candy. Ian Shiao is StuCo sophomore class president. He is participating in Trick or Treat Street along with the majority of StuCo. Shiao expresses, “Last year, it was a lot of fun. I really liked seeing all the kids in their costumes. It had a very bright and energetic vibe. Me and another StuCo member, Hannah Kasnoff, used Mr. Simpson’s room. We created a giant tic-tac-toe board on the floor. This year, we are doing cornhole. We are making monster faces instead of the regular hole. It will look like the monster is eating the beanbag. I am most excited about handing out candy! ” Other clubs and groups are involved too. FCCLA is selling hot chocolate for $1. Ema Babnic, a junior in National Honors Society (NHS), has participated in handing out candy during this spooktacular last year. “I volunteered in the library for NHS and it was fun because I got to dress up as a witch. The kids would come in and color, because that was my station. It was more peaceful versus the other activities. It was a good experience and an easy way to get group hours,” Babnic states. This year, “We’re having a coloring station inside the library and passing out candy. I will dress up as either a fairy or a witch this year! I like hanging out with the kids and talking to them about Halloween and their plans,” says Babnic. If you can’t go trick or treating in your neighborhood, come to Palisade High School!