Hank DeFord
Will Neese on his second lap pushing through the pain.
Last Saturday the Palisade cross country team traveled to Central to compete in the Western Slope D51 JV Championship. Palisade raced their hardest and ended with a top three finish by Brielle Sorensen.
The race took place on a brisk Saturday morning at Longs Park. The course consisted of two laps around the park and a straightaway to the finish line. The course is very flat and a perfect course for a personal best. Palisade had three runners competing, Brielle Sorensen, Will Neese, and Zach Price. Sorensen got a personal record of 22:53.61, Neese got a time of 23:17.91, and Price finished with a time of 26:17.91. “The race was great, it was the best race I’ve run my entire running career,” says Brielle Sorensen. She’s been running since track season her freshman year. “My favorite part about running is the people on my team and being a part of an amazing team,” “The team did really good, and the course was great but it was really cold,” says Sorensen, “Having my team there cheering for me on the side really helped, it made me feel very good.” The team has the regional championship coming up Thursday the 19th. It’s the biggest race of the season and the team is gearing up to race their hardest and show the region what Palisade is made of. “I’m scared, I’m really scared but also it will be a fun experience and it’ll be something we’ll talk about for the rest of the year, I know the team is going to do amazing,” says Sorensen, “Running is really all about showing that you can accomplish so much more than you thought you could, and that’s why I love my sport.”