Mrs. Young excited for a new day at Palisade Photo Taken by: Emily Hardin
As Palisade High School creeps into the end of quarter one, staff members share their love for the school as well as a few exciting upcoming events. Mr Howard, the vice principal at Palisade shares upcoming events, as well as his enjoyment of school. Mr Howard states, “My favorite thing about Palisade is the culture and the community field that we have at the school. We have a really good staff to work with and everyone is very collegial and eager to help out at any moment.” Palisade has many great qualities that make it different from any other school one of which is their everlasting motivation to alway be better. Howard says,“We are always looking to improve. That is our culture and our sense of belonging. It is always a constant goal for our staff and for the students to constantly be finding ways to improve.” Palisade has many exciting upcoming events and when asked what Mr. Howard thinks is important for students to know, he says, “One big thing we have coming up for Palisade is our Halloween costume contest. We always have really good participation by not only staff but students as well. That is something we always look forward to. October 10, volleyball has a home game and they are doing their annual pink match which is a recognition and fundraising for cancer awareness. We also only have a three day school week next week so students don’t have school on Thursday the 12th or Friday the 13th as well as the 16th. So, next week Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will be the full 8 period days. We also have winter sports starting November 13th.” These events are crucial to show up to support the Bulldogs!