Homecoming proposals photos by River Pearson and Jamyson Mancuso
Homecoming is getting closer and more people are getting dates for the dance. The variety of proposals is extensive from signs to people painting their bodies to get a date for the dance. Although the proposals are a nice gesture please make sure you don’t do them during a class so you don’t disturb the teacher. Make sure if you do your proposal you send it to Phs Spirit on Instagram for a chance to win two free tickets to homecoming. Speaking of tickets, make sure you get your tickets for the dance early because it is an extra five dollars at the door. Buying tickets early is only twenty-five dollars but at the door, we will charge thirty dollars. If you do not already know the theme for this year’s homecoming it is the four seasons including spring, summer, fall, and winter. Asking the person you like to homecoming can sometimes be very nerve-racking so I asked Joel Talavera what was going through his mind when he asked for a date to homecoming. Joel said, “Of course I was nervous, but you just have to be confident.” I hope this helps you when you ask the person you like to homecoming. Friday, September 22 there will be an assembly during school, this assembly will be about homecoming so make sure you come to school on Friday so you can hear any rules that will be at homecoming. If you can not come on Friday make sure you ask a friend what was discussed at the assembly so you don’t miss any information that might be important.