Seniors heading into school.
This year is our Seniors last year to go out with a bang and leave the school with some memories. They have been here for four years, and as they are excited to leave, there will definitely be some tears. With all the upcoming events and games, along with all the dances there is excitement all around the class of 2024.
With this year’s seniors we were able to grab an interview with Joss Baskin. We asked him a few questions to get his insight on how he was ready for senior year, “Kinda nervous for it at the same time but I think it is kind of cool, like, the whole oldest of the school and just kinda like a role model in a way.” Being a senior is also when everyone looks up to you the most. You have been here the longest and you have experienced the most, so having people look up to you could be a little nerve wracking. But that doesn’t make our seniors back down. We also were able to interview Skylar Gallegos, she has been going to palisade since her sophomore year and is now ready to graduate. We asked her what she was most excited about for her last school year, “I am most excited to just be done. Just to graduate and have that accomplishment and just to move on with my life.”
But being a senior also means leaving behind a lot of things that you have loved for a long time. Including sports or teachers, friends or events. We asked Skylar what she was most sad about when she thought about leaving the school, “I am going to miss, like, the connection with other people. And leaving all the teachers I have grown close to in the past three years.” Leaving high school can be sad but it also means your last year to do high school things and for Joss he plans to make the most out of it. We asked what he was most excited about for the year, “Homecoming to see if I can continue the Baskin legacy of getting spirit king/queen. Because both my brother and sister did that so I want to see if I can get that as well.”
With the last year of high school for our seniors starting we know that they have done a lot for and with the school. Make sure to give them the support they need to make it through this one last final stretch home.