Joey Smith
Mr. Bollinger (left) and Mr. Heyward (right)
There are a lot of feelings and thoughts as we head into another school year here at Palisade High School. Zooming in on those thoughts, let’s take a look at the perspectives from some of our administrators here at PHS.
The first week of high school can be exciting and nerve-wracking as students enter a new year of high school unsure of how it will unfold. “I am looking forward to seeing how the year is going to start. I think the year so far has gone off to a great start,” says Mr. Heyward, assistant principal here at Palisade. “I want our students to really feel safe and secure to come to school everyday. That is our number one priority. We also want students to be involved. There are things we try to improve so that it doesn’t always feel like you’re just coming to class, learning, and going home.” The BBQ on Friday and the restructure of freshman academic mentor are a couple examples of this approach. The principal here at Palisade High School, Mr. Bollinger said, “The most exciting time for me is graduation and hoping and feeling that we really have helped prepare students for their future. Part of it is the curriculum that we teach. It is directly teaching those thinking skills, research skills, and communication skills through the content, which I believe is going to prepare them more than anything we teach within the content.” With a great start to the first week of school, let’s see how the rest of the school year unfolds.