Photo created by Grace Miley
Film Fest Poster
On Thursday, April 6th, the Palisade High School IB film program is putting on their annual IB film fest.
Palisade High School’s IB film class has worked countless hours throughout this school year to create cinematic masterpieces. Alexis Cardenas is a senior IB student and a member of the IB film class. She tells us that the IB film fest is “a presentation of the IB film classes films from the entire year. We also show films from our junior year, so it’s kind of a celebration of the second-year IB film students.” The film fest will be showing multiple films that the film students have worked on over the past few years. When asked how many films will be shown at the fest Alexis said, “A lot. We have about two hours worth of films.” Alexis also adds, “There’s a lot of work that goes into them. For the most recent film that I made, it was a seven minute film and it took us three days of filming which totaled up to be just over twenty hours of work.” Though being an IB film student may sound stressful, it actually comes with many enjoyable moments and times of great success. Alexis was asked what she enjoys most about being a film student, “My favorite thing about filming is having Mr. Franklin as my teacher! I also really like the opportunity to start watching film outside of just entertainment. Being able to analyze and look at it in a critical lens is something I didn’t think I was going to be interested in initially, but I’ve grown to really like it a lot.” Every project comes with its challenges and obstacles. Alexis tells us about an obstacle that the film class faces. She says, “Because we are all IB students the scheduling definitely hurts us a lot because we are very busy and it doesn’t help that the people we cast are usually pretty busy, so it’s hard to find time. That’s the most difficult part.”
Come to the Palisade High School Kamas Auditorium on Thursday, April 6th at 6:30 PM to see the amazing films that these amazing students have put together!