Ms. Kemper with her girlys
With this month coming to an end, we would like to present to you the teacher of the month! Miss Emma Kemper, our beloved teacher who not only speaks fluently in English but in Spanish and math as well! She has been known for helping students with any and all problems. She loves to keep the peace and make anyone’s day better if she can. She is a happy-go-lucky person with a life full of friends and has made an impact on the school for the better.
We interviewed Miss. Kemper and asked her a few questions. We asked how long she has been teaching, and she answered “I have been teaching for 4 and a half years. But this will be my fifth year. I student taught here so I started my student teaching and then I’ve taught here for all 5 years.” We also asked her what got her into teaching, “I did a research project in like 6th grade about a career and I looked into teaching and I just really wanted to be a teacher. I had a lot of really good teachers growing up and especially in junior high and high school where I was at, I had a lot of teachers that really impacted me and helped and supported me and I wanted to be that person for someone else.”
Kemper has always been in the school and involved. We love her and she loves us and the whole school! Congratulate her for her willingness to be so involved.